Products and trading FAQs

What are your spreads and market hours?

Please visit our Product Specification page for our spreads and the specific market hours per product.

What are the trading hours?

The trading hours are 24 hours per day, starting at 00:00 Monday and closing at 24:00 Friday server time. Server time is UK time + 2 hours.

Can prices change over a weekend or holiday?

If an extreme world event happens over the weekend, there may be a significant difference in the price of a market when it closed on Friday and when it opens on Sunday. This is called gapping and it means that there are no tradable prices between the closing price on Friday and the opening price on Sunday. All orders which are triggered by the jump in price will be filled at the opening rate at the beginning of the week. This could have significant implications on the execution of your order and can work both for and against the trade, depending on your position in the market.

How do I place a trade within the MetaTrader 4 platform?

To place a trade, select Tools > New Order. Choose the currency pair's symbol, the trade size volume, and Market Execution for Type. Click Sell or Buy within the Market Execution section to place the trade. For further information please read our Trading Guides.

What are swaps and financing charges?

For positions held overnight, your account is debited or credited with the market swap rate +/- an administration charge. The swap rate expresses the cost of carry for the interest rate differential between the two currencies that have been traded. This financing charge is often referred to as the ‘Roll-Over’. Capital Index performs its roll-over calculations each evening 17:00 ET (22:00 UK time).

Each instrument has its own swap or financing charge. For currencies, the swap charge is calculated in points based on a standard lot and for CFDs as a percentage.

For further information about the current swap or financing charges please click here.